Current Price
As of Oct 4, 2024
$10.2528 CAD
-$0.0380 CAD | -0.37%
Overall Morningstar™ rating

Out of 156 Funds
CIFSC category
Canadian Short Term Fixed Income

Risk profile


As of Dec 31, 2023
Key reasons to invest in Sun GIF Solutions PH&N Short Term Bond & Mortgage Estate Heritage Series F
  • A well-diversified Canadian fixed income fund
  • Invests in a diversified portfolio of short-term fixed income securities issued by Canadian governments and corporations, and first mortgages on property located in Canada
  • Seeks to generate higher levels of current interest income compared to money market fund investments
    Fund essentials

    • Inception date
      Jun 3, 2024
    • Benchmark
      BofAML Canada Broad Market 1-5 Yr TR CAD
    • Management fee
    • Fund assets
      As of Sep 30, 2024
    • Number of holdings
      As of Aug 31, 2024
    • Min initial investment
    • Min additional investment
    Fund codes
    FELSLF SH618

    Investment growth

    Returns for funds less than 1 year old cannot be displayed.

    Compound returns

    Returns for funds less than 1 year old cannot be displayed.

    Calendar returns

    Returns for funds less than 1 year old cannot be displayed.

    Morningstar Ratingᵀᴹ and Quartile rankings

    As of Aug 31, 2024
    1 yr3 yr5 yr10 yr
    Morningstarᵀᴹ rating

    Quartile (within category)not availablenot availablenot availablenot available
    # of funds in category1561568585
        Portfolio analysis

        Overall allocation

        As of Jul 31, 2024
        Asset allocation%
        Fixed income94.4
        Geographic allocation%
        United States11.4
        United Kingdom1.7

          Fixed income allocation

          As of Jul 31, 2024
          Fixed income allocation%
          Corporate Bond44.1
          Corporate Bond43.7
          Cash & Equivalents4.0
          Cash & Equivalents3.4
          Commercial Mortgage-Backed3.3
          Commercial Mortgage-Backed2.8
          Covered Bond0.2
          Covered Bond0.2
          Agency Mortgage-Backed0.0
          Bank Loan0.0
          Municipal Taxable0.0
          Municipal Tax-Exempt0.0
          Non-agency Residential Mortgage-Backed0.0
          Preferred Stock0.0
          Credit mix%
          Below B0.0
          Not Rated3.1

          Morningstar Style Boxᵀᴹ

          As of Aug 31, 2024

          Fixed income style


          Fixed income characteristics

          As of Jul 31, 2024

          • Yield To Maturity
          • Effective duration (years)
          • Average maturity (years)
          • Average credit quality

            Top ten holdings

            As of Jul 31, 2024
            PH&N Short Term Bond & Mortgage Fund O99.7
            Canada (Government of) 3.25%11.3
            Canada Housing Trust No.1 1.25%4.7
            Canada Housing Trust No.1 1.1%4.5
            United States Treasury Notes 4.25%4.4
            Canada Housing Trust No.1 1.55%2.5
            Canada Housing Trust No.1 3.7%2.0
            Canada Housing Trust No.1 2.65%1.5
            Bank of Montreal 4.54%1.3
            Royal Bank of Canada 5.24%1.2
              • Cash and cash equivalents are not shown.
              Management & Commentary


              Management Company :

              RBC Global Asset Management Inc.


              Notes and disclosures

              • ^Management Expense Ratio is an estimate in the first year.

                Portfolio holdings are as at the date indicated and may change due to ongoing portfolio transactions of the investment fund

                Any amount allocated to a segregated fund is invested at the risk of the contract owner and may increase or decrease in value

                Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is the issuer of guaranteed insurance contracts, including Accumulation Annuities (Insurance GICs), Payout Annuities, and Individual Variable Insurance Contracts (Sun Life GIFs).

                Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. For periods greater than one year, the indicated rates of return are the average annual compounded total returns as of the date indicated including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all distributions and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any security holder that would have reduced returns. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

                Ratings and/or ranking information is subject to change monthly.

                Morningstar is an independent organization that groups funds with generally similar investment objectives for comparison purposes and ranks them on a historical basis.

                Morningstar star ratings are an objective, quantitative measure of a fund's historical risk-adjusted performance relative to other funds in its category, and are calculated from a fund's 3, 5, and 10-year returns measured against 91-day Treasury bill and peer group returns. The top 10% of the funds in a category earn five stars; the next 22.5% four stars; the following 35% three stars; the next 22.5% two stars, and the bottom 10% one star. The Overall Rating is a weighted combination of the 3, 5, and 10-year ratings. Only funds with at least a three-year track record are considered, and ratings are calculated only for categories with at least 20 funds.

                Morningstar quartile rankings show how well a fund has performed compared to all other funds in its peer group. Each fund within a peer group is ranked based on its performance, and these rankings are broken into quarters or quartiles. Within a group, the top 25% (or quarter) of the funds are in the first quartile, the next 25% are in the second quartile, the next group in the third quartile, and the bottom 25% of funds with the poorest relative performance are in the fourth quartile. The point in which half the funds had better performance and half had worse performance is the median. If 100 funds are being compared, there would be four quartiles of twenty-five funds each. The median would be the fiftieth fund.

                For more details on the calculation of Morningstar star ratings or quartile rankings, please see

                The Morningstar Style Box™reveals a fund's investment strategy. For equity funds the vertical axis shows the market capitalization of the stocks owned and the horizontal axis shows investment style (value, blend or growth). For fixed-income funds the vertical axis shows the average credit quality of the bonds owned, and the horizontal axis shows interest rate sensitivity as measured by a bond's duration (short, intermediate or long).

                Morningstar Market Capitalization Breakdown Stocks are first divided into seven style zones based on their country of domicile: United States, Latin America, Canada, Europe, Japan, Asia ex-Japan, and Australia/New Zealand. Capitalization assignments are determined as follows: 1) For all stocks in a style zone, the market cap of each stock is converted into a common currency. The stocks in each style zone are ordered in descending order by size, and a cumulative capitalization as a percentage of total sample capitalization is calculated as each stock is added to the list. 2) The stock that causes cumulative capitalization to equal or exceed 40% of the style zone's total cap is the final one assigned to the giant-cap group. 3) The largest of the remaining stocks are assigned to the large-cap group until cumulative capitalization equals or exceeds 70% of the total capitalization of the style zone. 4) The largest of the remaining stocks are assigned to the mid-cap group until cumulative capitalization equals or exceeds 90% of the total capitalization of the style zone. 5) The largest of the remaining stocks are assigned to the small-cap group until cumulative capitalization equals or exceeds 97% of the total capitalization of the style zone. 6) The remaining stocks are assigned to the micro-cap group. The Market Capitalization Breakdown at a fund level is a breakdown of the capitalization assignments of the fund's equity holdings.

                The information contained in this fund page/profile is designed to provide you with general information related to the fund and investment alternatives and strategies and is not intended to be comprehensive investment advice applicable to individual circumstances. We strongly recommend that investors consult with a financial advisor prior to making any investment decisions.

                © 2024 Morningstar Research Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.